Hi! So you want to get in touch? Fantastic!
If you represent a brand that you’re hoping I’ll write about on behalf of one of my media clients, please do not pitch me directly. Instead, please get in touch with the appropriate contact at the relevant media outlet. You can find contact information for Dotdash Meredith HERE; the New York Times Company HERE; Glam.com HERE; and TheSpruceCrafts.com HERE.
Please do contact me if you’d like me to write for your site or your client’s site, or if you’d like to collaborate on a project at any of the websites in my network including this site (AmySolovay.com), my craft website (KnittingCrochetCrafts.com) or any of my husband’s real estate websites. This is also the appropriate communication channel to use if you have a question about one of my crochet patterns.
If you’re on LinkedIn, please feel free to message me there. Here’s a link to my LinkedIn profile.
If not, you are welcome to email me.

Please be aware that my email service provider has opted me into an extremely aggressive spam filter and has not given me an option for opting out of that. If your email doesn’t land in my inbox, there’s still a chance I’ll see it eventually because I do check my spam filter frequently. But if you don’t get a response to your email within a few days, please try again.
I’m on Ravelry, and my username there is amysolovay. However, I don’t spend much time there these days. You can leave a message for me there if it is crochet or knitting-related and isn’t urgent. Otherwise, please use a different communication channel.
Unlike just about everyone else in the known universe, I do not carry a cell phone. I do have one available, but I don’t generally turn it on unless I’m expecting a call on it. If you’d like to speak with me by phone, please use LinkedIn or email to schedule a phone interview. Thank you.
I look forward to communicating with you.