Fall Garden Journal Pages for September and October, 2023

Happy Fall, Crafty Friends!
Did you plant a fall garden for 2023? If so, which plants did you include, and how has your harvest been so far? Here’s hoping you’ve enjoyed success and are harvesting a lovely variety of flowers, fruits, vegetables, and / or herbs, depending on what you decided to grow.

Have you been tracking your successes (and also your failures) in a garden journal? If you haven’t already begun keeping a garden journal, now is the ideal time to create one while all the details are still fresh in your mind. By the time you get around to planting new crops next year, you’re likely to have forgotten bunches of the finer details about what you planted, where you planted it and how well it all grew — or didn’t grow. Perhaps you’ll forget which bugs, birds and other critters made appearances in your garden to help or hinder your efforts, as the case may be. These details are worth remembering so you can build on successes and improve on shortcomings next time around.
Sadly, I wasn’t able to plant a garden this year. đ But when I am actively gardening, I routinely make garden journal pages to keep a record of what I’ve done well (so I can repeat those successes) and about what went wrong (so I can try a different approach the next season). I also like to keep a record of what I planted where, so that I can be sure to rotate crops effectively the next year. My garden journal also incorporates to-do lists that keep me on track on what needs to be done in the future.
If garden journaling is of interest to you, I invite you to check out more of my garden journal pages and read more about my process for making them.
If you maintain a garden journal, I’d love to know more about what you write in it, how you approach the task of putting it together and how it has helped you achieve your gardening goals. What do your garden journal pages look like? The floor is open for comments, so please feel free to ask questions or share insights in the comments area below.
Thanks so much for visiting! I truly appreciate your presence here.
Posted By: Amy Solovay